According to the National Park Service there are over 700 varieties of birds that inhabit our public lands, and it is estimated that over 46 million of us consider ourselves “birders”. Whether you simply notice birds while on a walk or hike, maintain a backyard feeder or keep your binoculars handy for reference to your always-available bird guide – you know the joys of experiencing Mother Nature in all her colors and variations.

The National Park Service has a great article highlighting 11 national parks that offer spectacular bird watching perches.

Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland is home to at least 41 species.

The dark volcanic rock in Craters of the Moon National Preserve in Idaho draw more than 200 different species.

Haleakala National Park in the remote Hawaiian Islands offers some exotic species that are not found anywhere else in the world.

The food, water and shelter of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area make it the ideal home for dozens of unique species.

Mount Ranier National Park in Washington offers so many different altitudes that the birds are correspondingly varied.

Wisconsin, with its Lake Superior and Namekagon Lake shorelines is home to 2 national parks with sensational views.

Lava Beds National Monument in California offers 3 unique habitats for you to experience this birder’s delight.

The diversity of species in the Katmai National Park & Preserve on the northern Alaska Peninsula is greatest in spring and summer, although it is home to some year-round inhabitants as well.

In the wilds of Arizona are 2 national parks, Montezuma Castle National Monument and Chiricahua National Monument, that are each the exclusive habitats of hundreds of species.

The National Park Foundation’s Travel Planner is a great way to locate your next destination.  Grab your binoculars, make your plans and …

Remember the Great Outdoors!

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